Saturday, May 07, 2011

Kirtland's Warbler, Columbus Ohio

We've been quite lucky to host  in Columbus an extremely rare bird- a male Kirtland's Warbler.  Listed as Endangered by the Federal Government, this is the rarest of the rare amongst wood warblers in the United States.  First spotted this past Wednesday, I believe, it was still hanging out in an elm tree at 960 Kinnear Rd in front of a building owned by Ohio State.  I went with my neighbor Rick to see and photograph it this afternoon- it was still there at 2:00 p.m. What a great bird!



  1. He was still there as of 11:00 Saturday morning. Wonder what's keeping him here?? Maybe all the recent bad weather?

  2. I'm glad you made it! Very nice photo!

  3. Wow. Super envious, and what a PERFECT PHOTOGRAPH. WONderful job. Handsome creature. =) Psyched for you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You lucky dog you! I live in SE Michigan and have not seen a Kirtland's yet. However, I'm headed up to East Tawas for a birding festival this weekend so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Great shot!

  6. Thanks everyone- This was really a cool find. Props to the first person that saw this bird and let others know about it.
