Wednesday, May 18, 2011

60 Second Landscape- Whetstone Creek Swallows

I like the idea of creating 60 second landscapes- it gives me a challenge on my lunch break to come up with one view of the world to share with you. The recent rains have kept me in the office, but I make sure I walk down to the river during lunch. After a few minutes of poking around, I decided to set up the camera in the fork of a box-elder sapling pointed towards the creek. I figured that the nice flowing water would make a great subject. I was even luckier to have a few swallows flying around. I believe these are northern rough-winged swallows- but please correct me if I am wrong.

Be sure to select the 720p version if you have a fast connection- the HD video from the Iphone 4 is quite spectacular considering it is my phone that I always have with me.



  1. What a great place to spend your lunchtime. Cool vidoe of the swallows.

  2. Thanks Eileen- My office is situated on a large wildlife area, although I'd rather this rain stop. I'd like to be out in the field and not in the office!
