Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lunch Break

Swamp Rose, Rosa palustris

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Male blue dasher, Pachydiplax longipennis

Carolina saddlebags, Tramea carolina
Pair of green darners, Anax junius, with female oviposting- "laying eggs"

One of the spreadwing damselflies, Lestes species-  I can't be sure that the exuvia here is the one that this individual.

It's amazing what can be seen and photographed during my 30 minute lunch.  All of these creatures live in a small urban wetland on the north side of Columbus surrounded by apartments, houses, a former mall, office buildings and a major retail corridor.


  1. fantasticas fotos soy yo sin un aficinado la Naturaleza me gusta tu blog .... Un saludo

  2. Beautiful photos! I like so much...

  3. Thanks for sharing the intricate beauties of nature .I am so enjoying your blog.

  4. Thanks for the help with the flower and bush. I think you are right. A Wiegela it is?

  5. I forgot to say I have never seen a muskrat around here but have seen one or two groundhogs. I do see a damsel fly now and then but mine were in green and I never see a dragon fly. You have some really nice photos here.

  6. Great shots Tom - I do a lot of my photo's in the very immediate area of my home or a local park. You don't need to travel long distances to find neat stuff.

  7. Imanol- Thank you!

    Claudia- Thank you!

    Ruth- Thanks so much!

    Abe- You are welcome. I'll have to stake out mine for hummingbirds.

    Scott- Exactly. There are a lifetime of awesome images to be captured close to home.


  8. I get 2 fifteen minute breaks at work & always spend them outside, watching & listening to the birds. Few better ways to relax in the middle of a workday, really. Thanks for sharing your critters!
