Thursday, August 28, 2008

Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve


  1. Tom: Those are some brillant captures at the preserve, nicely done. Is that along Lake Erie?.

  2. Tom- You got it. Headlands is near the border of Mentor and Painesville in Lake County. Well worth the trip from Portage County. It is one of Ohio's best birding sites along the lake east of Cleveland.


  3. I liked all landscapes!

    Fantastic shots, greats photos!

    Have e nice weekend!


  4. I saw your name, and knew I would find wonderful photos. I was not disappointed. A great series!

  5. Neat series. The beachy duney was charming, the dead fish caught my eye, love the gentle deer. Love that red-roofed building in the distance in a field.

    My brother lives in Columbus, but when we visit, we mostly see suburbia. We do like the zoo.

  6. Great shots, even the dead fish. I was shocked to see that all those flies weren't on the fish. Were they near each other. Very lovely landscapes, the sand dunes along the Great Lakes never seem to disappoint. I'm hoping to get some images when I go over to Lake Michigan again in October.

  7. A wonderful series of shots - just beautiful, well, except maybe the flies. :)

  8. I like the 2nd (deer) and 4th (Dragonfly) shots the best. Very good.

  9. The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky.... Wonderful capture for skywatch! Mine's up too hope you can drop by, asking for your vote too... thanks a lot! Happy weekend

  10. that's a lovely first photo, Tom. i can also see the breeze in the other photos.

    happy skywatching!

  11. Wonderful pictures! Glad to know they are on Lake Erie...maybe I'll get there some day. I bet you could hardly drag yourself away from so many interesting things! Love the lighthouse, the dragonflies, the dunes...all!

  12. Good photos Tom, I always enjoy looking at nature.

  13. Well, that's a lot of terrific photos to comment on. I'll say that I REALLYlove the ones with the grasses and meadows. The skies are fantastic, but the grasses and meadows add so much. And some really good insect shots. That fly-covered (or whatever-covered) leafy plant looked like something I'd want to stay away from!

  14. Thanks Everyone-

    And to Leora-

    This nature preserve is about 3 hours northwest of Columbus, past Cleveland on the Lake Erie coast. The Columbus Zoo is a definitely a great stop here in C-bus, Megan and I are members and go frequently.


  15. What an interesting set of photos. For a moment, I thought that was a castle in the first one.

  16. You've given us a beautiful essay and I really appreciate the effort that went into your work.

  17. I'glad I decided to checkout as many skywatchers as I could and found you. Love yur siries of shots. I'm a sucker for nature photos and adore dragonflies. Thanks.

  18. A Nature eyesight shot.

  19. T.R-

    I believe that this is a hairy-necked tiger beetle, a beach dwelling species that is state threatened here in Ohio.

