Friday, August 29, 2008

Exploring Little Pond, Maine, in the Rain

I bought this little water proof bag called an aquapac to take my digital point and shoot underwater. It served as a great tool for me while I was hiking and exploring little pond in the rain. First on foot, then by canoe. There is something magical about hiking and naturalizing in the rain, and this is the first time I was really able to capture that experience in images, thanks to the aquapac. By the time I captured the last three images, the rain had subsided, and I removed the camera from the bag. Tomorrow, I'll take you underneath the surface of little pond to explore the depths of the waters.



  1. Those blueberries look DELICIOUS! Great images of Little Pond- makes me miss not being closer...

  2. I think the rain makes it all look even more beautiful. The first two shots in particular and the pond shots really are lovely. What a handy thing that aqupac appears to be.

  3. Tom: Beautiful images of the Little Pond in Maone. It reminds me of the Kent Bog and Triangle Lake.
    BTW: I will be in Columbus for a wedding on Sunday.

  4. Totally awesome, Tom! I feel like I was along for the ride. Love all of these shots. Couldn't pick a favorite. Wonderful!

  5. Megan- Yep, it is a bummer.

    Mary- Thank you

    Tom- Yes, the system is just like those. It is really quite amazing that we have relic peat bogs in Ohio. We used to have so many more, we're lucky to have the ones we have.
    I hope you enjoy Columbus...last night my family came down as well from NE Ohio and we took in the Clippers game.

    Lana- Thank you. How are things going in Louisiana right now with the hurricane Gustav taking aim right at you?


  6. Thia is a great series of photos and a fine post. We love to get out and do photography in the rain and on cloudy day. The lighting is great.

    Well done. Beautiful capture

    If you are keeping track,
    Alaska Sunday is posted.
    It's the trip log with some new photos.
    To see the post, Click here.
    Troy and Martha

  7. Thanks Troy & Water- The light during the rain was unique. I'd really like to get a completely waterproof camera to be able to take better shots under these conditions.


  8. Appreciate the mention Tom. Glad it worked for you!
    Best regards,
    Tim Turnbull
    Chief Executive
    Aquapac International, London, England.

  9. Tim- Yes it did, amazingly well. I looked at many solutions to get images like these and underwater video with my P&S camera, and the large aquapac by far was the most cost effective way for me to do so. Swimming with my camera was just very cool.


  10. These are great shots Tom. Anna :) PS thanks for ideas for underwater projects.

  11. Great image... you take it very well, a green nature with small ponds.. i love it
