Tom don't know what happend, my comment did not make it. Well, here we go again, very beautiful flower, and funny how fly just made for that photo shoot, lol. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)
Hopefully by the third week in May the snow will be gone in this area when you visit. Lovely crocus and fly photo. I'm looking forward to when I can go outside around here and take that type of picture.
Wren- Touche! It actually couldn't fly, it was hopping around from flower to flower!
Anna- Thank you, he just showed up there. Amazing.
Tom- Yes, I wonder if flies over winter, or if this flies short life began this spring, and probably ended yesterday.
Texas- THank you very much. Excellent point- To make the title even better, I should have left out the conjunction "a".
Megan- It is a one winged fly. Poor thing.
John- I'll try to send you some warm air, although we don't have much of it. My last report from the Oxford Hills was that plenty of snow had fallen and my brother-in-law, who works at a local school up towards gray had their 1 millionth snow day of the season. Amazing, but true. That is just how much it snows where John lives!
Chris- Thank you.
Lana- There you go. Send me and John, and the rest of us some warm air from crocus-less Louisiana, please!
Linda- Thank you.
Hope everyone had a great day, I've got a weekend free to myself. I'll be heading to the Ohio Odonata Society meeting tomorrow, should be great fun.
that's a bizarre but interesting photo. I'm surprised it can fly (so to speak).
ReplyDeleteTom don't know what happend, my comment did not make it. Well, here we go again, very beautiful flower, and funny how fly just made for that photo shoot, lol. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)
ReplyDeleteI guess when you only have one wing, you can spend your last lives with the colorful crocus!
ReplyDeleteGreat photo and story. The title sounds like something off the front page of the National Enquirer.
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy!
ReplyDeleteThat's beautiful Tom! What a great picture.
ReplyDeleteHopefully by the third week in May the snow will be gone in this area when you visit. Lovely crocus and fly photo. I'm looking forward to when I can go outside around here and take that type of picture.
ReplyDeleteCool! Oh how I love (& miss) crocuses!
ReplyDeleteGreat spring picture! Interesting about the fly, too.
ReplyDeleteTouche! It actually couldn't fly, it was hopping around from flower to flower!
Anna- Thank you, he just showed up there. Amazing.
Tom- Yes, I wonder if flies over winter, or if this flies short life began this spring, and probably ended yesterday.
Texas- THank you very much. Excellent point- To make the title even better, I should have left out the conjunction "a".
Megan- It is a one winged fly. Poor thing.
John- I'll try to send you some warm air, although we don't have much of it. My last report from the Oxford Hills was that plenty of snow had fallen and my brother-in-law, who works at a local school up towards gray had their 1 millionth snow day of the season. Amazing, but true. That is just how much it snows where John lives!
Chris- Thank you.
Lana- There you go. Send me and John, and the rest of us some warm air from crocus-less Louisiana, please!
Linda- Thank you.
Hope everyone had a great day, I've got a weekend free to myself. I'll be heading to the Ohio Odonata Society meeting tomorrow, should be great fun.
Cool shot, Tom - a rarely seen member of order Monoptera.
ReplyDeleteNice shot. I bet it gets dizzy when it flies. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting and great photo. I enjoyed your blog a lot, would you like to exchange links?