Sunday, February 22, 2009

Taking the Plunge

I'm gearing up for the waterfowl season, and today, I got an early taste of the action at the Columbus Zoo. I am thinking that this is a female canvasback?



  1. Judging by the shape & size of the bill & head, I'd say you're right. Kind of hard to tell from the body, however. I checked some google images, not sure if they'll help you, though.
    I love waterfowl. Birds & water--2 cool things that go great together.

  2. Stunning photo and its the most perfect action shot! Every time I see one of your post on the RSS feed . . I wonder . . . did they have the baby yet?

  3. Fantastic shot, Tom! You must be just about as anxious as Megan by now for your new arrival!

  4. Wow...what a photo! Can't be too much longer before baby! We all keep checking the blog for news:-)

  5. What a fun day at the zoo- not tons of people and lots of cool animals to spend time with.

  6. Mary, Tom, and Megan-

    Thanks, baby will be here soon, we have our fingers crossed!

    Also- Lana thanks for the link and I totally agree with you. I really like ducks and other waterbirds.


  7. Hey Tom,

    I saw plenty of canvasbacks down at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park on the Whittier Peninsula.

    Great shot, by the way.

    John Ross
    Columbus Alive
