Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Birds of Sanibel- Ring-billed Gull

The ring-billed gulls in Florida look a little brighter than ours here in Ohio. Are ours just dirty? Do I not get up to Lake Erie enough to see adults? When we first arrived on Sanibel, Megan and I headed straight to the beach. A storm has washed up tons of sea life- urchins, molluscs, etc., and most were still alive. The shore birds were feasting on this bounty. I think the parts of the ring-billed gull that most intrique me are the red at the base of the mouth and the ring around the eye. What a beautiful bird. It is amazing that I had to travel to Florida to appreciate this species, when we have tons right here in the Midwest.



  1. I have not seen any gulls moving through the area!

  2. Gorgeous picture!

  3. Even though many people deride gulls (in Canada they were often referred to as the "Neufoundland Air Force, *L*) I think there's a beauty to them.
    Lovely photo, of course!

  4. What a terrific closeup! I had not noticed the red at the mouth and eye. I recently had a parking lot full of these and didn't get to see any of these great details! Maybe seeing birds on vacation is just more relaxed and fun :-)

  5. Tom: That is a really cool shot of the gull.

  6. Tom- We seem to have plenty with all the reservoirs and trash dumps around the city.

    Nature Nut- Thanks very much.

    Lana- Quite funny- I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your exhibit by the way, very nice.

    Thanks Mary- It is amazing what 1000 glass can do. I think you hit the nail on the head about photographing "on vacation".

    Tom- Thanks so much.


  7. Tom excellent close up, so clear. Anna :)

  8. That is an amazing picture! The scattered sea shells make it a masterpiece!

  9. Anna & Robin- Thank you very much.

