Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Brown Creeper

What an interesting little bird? It almost looks like those parts shouldn't go together- Its feet are huge compared to its body and the curving bill is longer than its head. I was lucky enough to have this feathery sprite land our our giant bur oak tree. Megan and I were standing in the Kitchen when it flew onto the trunk and slowly made its way up, investigating the furrows of the oak bark.

As it climbed upward, I went upward as well, to our our upstairs bathroom. I followed it as it ascended up and directly over my head. I had removed the screen of our bathroom window and stuck my head and camera out the window.

I found myself pointing the camera straight up for the last shot. And as quickly as it came, with a few squeaks, it was gone.


P.S. 24 days and counting! Wow!~


  1. It really blends in with the tree- cool!

  2. I could hardly tell it from the tree! don't fall out the window trying to get a good shot! Neat pictures! I wonder what he was looking so intently, for?

  3. He/She was looking for bugs!

  4. Love the camouflage evident in the first shot!

  5. Awesome camoflauge, as others have said!

  6. A cute bird with great camouflage :-)

  7. Country- thanks, yes, amazing camouflage is right!

    Lana- I wonder if you have brown creepers down your way?

    Ivar- Same question to you!? I wonder if there is a European creeper?

  8. well that is a camouflage artist

  9. Incredible captures of the Brown Creeper Tom!! I love those little guys. I usually hear them way before I see them. Lucky for you he came right to your tree and you have a two story house ;-)

    Lucky for us too. We get to see a Brown Creeper really close up!

  10. Thanks Larry..good to meet you.

