Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Olentangy Pool

Olentangy Pool, originally uploaded by Tom Arbour.

Warm today! Wow. I couldn't believe it. My car thermometer read 66 on my way home from work. There was a semi-decent sunset, so I headed down to the park to get a few shots of the sun reflected in the river. Well, I didn't get there. But with the morning's rain, this large pool filled with water, making for a nice composition! Check out the green leaves at the bottom of the photo. They are from Amur honeysuckle, which surrounds the hillside behind the camera. The honeysuckle leaves are finally dropping and the forest is almost bare once again. Also, I uploaded several new photos to Flickr! this evening. You can see them by clicking on the photo collage on the right side of the page.



  1. What a cool picture! I also enjoy the birds from the previous post. Nice action shots, you can almost hear the splashing!

  2. Thanks Chris, it was fun to watch the birds take a bath...

  3. Wonderful photo and great finding you! I was checking out your site at work today (but big brother doesn't allow me to comment)!! I am adding you to my RSS feeds so I don't miss a thing!

  4. I agree with Chris and mon@rch -- great photo!

  5. Thanks Genevieve,

    This photograph is a 15 second exposure (on a tripod) taken with the smallest aperture that my lens will do, which is f22. Having such a small aperature really gives a very nice depth of field, with the foreground and background in sharp focus

