Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nature Everywhere

I've told myself that nature is everywhere, and I try to sell this to as many people as possible, but sometimes I still surprise myself. Megan, Weston, and I were walking along the east side of High Street in Worthington this past Sunday, browsing the different farmers markets when I noticed this little katydid resting in the grass just off the sidewalk. I picked it up and shot it with the farmers' trucks in the background to emphasize that this is indeed an urban katydid. Hopefully it won't meet the same fate as Pinky!

I haven't tried to identify this one yet, any thoughts? Also- Just in case you were wondering, that large flesh colored object is the thumb and pointer finger of a Homo sapiens.



  1. Could it be... Pinky's city cousin?

  2. That homo sapiens must be a large creature indeed. We rarely see them in the wild anymore :)

    The katydid is beautiful.

  3. Jana- We'll never know.

    Faye- Thanks very much. I'll be in the wild soon again.

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