Monday, July 18, 2016

Male Common Yellowthroat

Boy, what a stunning little bird.  Common yes, but one of my favorite warblers!  These are frequent in the bog at Little Pond where they nest, but I've never seen one venture up the hill to the bird feeding station, where I was planted in a lawn chair with my camera.  I imagine this guy wanted to catch the warmth of early morning rays a little earlier than they would reach the shaded bog below. This photo really shows off that yellow throat.



  1. Beautiful. Great Shot Tom.

  2. I just found your blog and I'm enjoying it! Love the birds here in Southern Ohio.

    1. Welcome Lisa- I'm getting back into the blogging groove, and I hope I can just keep going. I have 1000+ posts here, many on birds. Welcome and enjoy the adventure.

  3. Great to find this species out in the open and then to get the shot. Good job!

    1. Thanks Bill- I'm still sort of amazed at how many birds you and I share; yet how many are different. It's fascinating to think about, really. Also, did you hear about the split of the scrub jay? It appears that the species you showed me in New Mexico will be called the Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, while those over in California and points north and south will be the California Scrub Jay. Thanks again for showing me New Mexico- now that I'm back in the blogging groove, maybe I'll take a virtual swing through NM after Maine.

    2. Tom,
      Thanks for the info on the split. I guess I haven't been paying close enough attention. Nonetheless, since the split will increase my life bird count by one without my getting off my butt, I'm happy with their decision ;-)

      Glad to see you're in the groove!
