Thursday, June 02, 2011

"Snotty Little Kid"

I've got my own......colds all around at the Arbour household........



  1. sooooo cute! We have a few of those running around the house. Thanks so much for your wonderful posts. I use them to teach the kids and show them beautiful places around our state. We homeschool so we are always looking for extra teaching moments and your site is one of those.


  2. Fortunately, most runny noses at our house left when the kids grew up and left. Patty and I must be immune or something.

    I have a flowering bush picture on one of my blogs, Tom, that I found along the banks of Twin Creek in Lewisburg. There were other bushes there with all white flowers but this one in the middle was totally different.

    Do you know what the bush name is?

    I also photographed what looks to be wild honeysuckle. At least the blossoms or buds are looking like the honeysuckle we have here in the opening stages but mine are colored white, yellow and red. The one I saw along the creek, in bud form was green but not opened.


  3. Thanks Mary- I'm really glad to here that my nature musings are fun and educational. As my boys grow, I think I'll be focusing even more on backyard wildlife themes and how parents can safely explore nature with their kiddoes.

    Abe- I think your first flower is multiflora rose. Was the suspect honeysuckle a shrub or vine? We have both native and non- native bush honeysuckles and vine honeysuckles. I probably could ID it with a photograph.
