Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chapparal Prairie State Nature Preserve

The crinkled leaves of prairie dock

Liatris stems

The fruits of a native tree. Do you recognize these?

After Adams Lake Prairie State Nature Preserve, we headed on over to Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve. If only we were here in early August! Can you imagine what these fields of prairie dock and Liatris would have looked like back then?



  1. Yep,they look like persimmons to me, too!

  2. me three. we are having a bumper crop of persimmons in fla this year. yum!

  3. Guys, you rock. The female persimmon trees were quite easy to spot this year down in Adams County. This is really a southerner- they don't make it this far north.

  4. The first photo is from almost from the exact same angle as this picture I took in July...


    It's neat to see how much things changed from the same perspective! :)
