Sunday, November 29, 2009

Anonymous Comments

Hi All-

Apparently I offended someone with the successive pictures of a live turkey then a dead turkey being carved by my father-in-law for my Thanksgiving Day post. The post was in the spirit of our American tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving. The live turkey was an animal at Slate Run Metropark historical farm. This is a working farm where the animals are raised to provide consumption for people. They aren't pets.

I encourage all comments, but when I receive anonymous comments that are meant to offend and criticize, I view them as cowardice actions. I ask that if you must leave a comment that intends to criticize my writing or photographs, please leave your name so we can have an intelligent dialogue.

All comments on the blog will now be moderated- I appreciate all your thoughts on this matter, including any constructive criticism regarding my decision to show an image of a live domesticated turkey followed by an oven roasted turkey in succession.



  1. I have no problem with your post. Meat comes from animals, it does not come from the refrigerated section of the local supermarket.

  2. Swampy- How are those treefrogs doing? I'll never forget how many green treefrogs inhabited the woods and marsh near a condo I once stayed at in Seabrook Island a few years back. Great stuff you have down there in the Carolina low country!

    What you have articulated is what I was trying to show. First comes the live turkey, and that is the reality.


  3. Tom…truth needs no apology. If you eat meat or wear leather, you are a carnivore and predator, at least by proxy. It's a straightforward fact. That golden-roasted and delicious turkey which graced the Thanksgiving table was once a living creature. Its death provided our meal. A fundamental truth of nature, the cycle of life-from-death, no matter which level or species you study.

  4. Tom,
    The treefrogs are doing well. I found one today as a matter of fact. They'll be packing it in for winter here soon though.

  5. I'm sorry the trolls came slinking to your blog. Fortunately they don't ever seem to stay long, at least. They drop a steaming pile & leave.

  6. I don't believe we are even discussing this. Americans are so disconnected sometimes...

    Sadly, many (meat eating) people react this way when reminded that meat comes from a living, breathing animal, and not the Chicken Tender Tree. I think we would all eat a little less meat (which means less pollution and less water consumption) if we all took a second to realize what those chicken tenders REALLY cost.

    And trust me, I love some chicken tenders, and I kill & eat my own critters as well. I'm just saying....there's nothing wrong with pointing out the relationship between A (bird) and B (food).
