Friday, October 24, 2008

Sky Watch Friday- Fall at Little Pond

Fall at Little Pond in the Oxford Hills region of western Maine. The red shrubs in the foreground? Huckleberries.

See more here.



  1. Beautiful, Tom. Thanks for skywatching with us.

  2. Very attractive scene.

  3. Tom: Welcome aboard to our fun meme. This is a super capture of the pond with the red, white and blue of the plants and sky. I love that reflection on the pond. Next week link in sooner on Thursday so more can see your photos.

  4. Great shot. Love those wonderful fall colors against the sky.

  5. Great photo, the reds are amazing.

  6. This is wonderful. I would love to have it on my wall.

  7. The reddish color in your fall scene really sets the whole thing off!

  8. The huckleberries are lovely. :)

  9. Very beautiful. I just want to jump into this pictures and be in this colorful scenery :-)

  10. It is really beautiful there and I can see why you enjoy going there often. What a lot of huckleberries, but they sure add to the color in the photo!

  11. Gorgeous, again.

    Do you know I just realized your last name was Arbour. How fitting that the etymology of your name is garden. Fate, destiny, kismet.

  12. Excellent shot, love the colors! Anna :)

  13. Wow that's beautiful!

  14. Great capture of a perfect moment Tom! I like how you have the trees framing the sides...that could easily be a painting!

  15. Wren, you are welcome.

    Thanks Abe.

    Thanks Tom. I've actually been doing Sky Watch for quite some time. I went back to see when I started, and it was this past spring. It is amazing how much this meme has grown.

    2sweet- Thank you.

    Thanks Larry- The huckleberries were intensely colorful and were begging to be photographed.

    Faye- Thank you!

    Dar- Thanks for stopping by my Sky Watch contribution.

    Thanks Tootie. I don't think I've heard the named Tootie since I last watched an episode of Facts of Life. :)

    Thanks Lana.

    Ivar- Thank you.

    Mary- There are tons of huckleberries in the acidic soil around the slopes above little pond. They are quite nice to eat in Early August.

    Thanks Earthmother. My fellow botanist at work's last name is "Gardner" and no, I'm not kidding!

    Thanks Anna and Chris!

    Spooky. It would make a great painting. I do paint- I'll probably get more into that when the snow starts falling.



  16. This is a beautiful image indeed. I am new to this blog, so I am definitely still finding my way around and the ins and outs to developing my page. I am glad that I stumbled upon your page though Tom! A very dreamy capture for sure!

  17. Tina- Thanks very much. Welcome, and I do hope you return often.


  18. HAH! Isn't that funny. I left a comment unknowingly signed in under Megan's google account. Woops!

