This is a leaf cutter bee- it looks like a small white bumble bee, and it was enjoying our New England Aster, which for some reason, is blooming super early.Tom
That's a beautiful shot of the bee. The blooming New England Aster makes me think I missed summer. We need to slow things down just a bit.
What a beautiful header and other pictures. Great photography.
WOW!! It's a beautiful bee!Mom
We have some New England aster that is blooming very early, too. I wonder why.
A beauty of a photo - well-captured!
what a wonderful shot!
Beautiful shot, Tom!
That's a beautiful shot of the bee. The blooming New England Aster makes me think I missed summer. We need to slow things down just a bit.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful header and other pictures. Great photography.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! It's a beautiful bee!
We have some New England aster that is blooming very early, too. I wonder why.
ReplyDeleteA beauty of a photo - well-captured!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful shot!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful shot, Tom!