Friday, December 26, 2008

Hippity Hoppity Juncos

Shot with the new video camera (Canon FS100) that my parents got us, of course, to shoot footage of our child that is on the way. Thanks Mom and Dad. I'm sure it will come in handy for other things, as well. Special recognition to the person that can identify both the voice and the television program (on DVD) that was running in the background.

This week this video is my contribution to Misty Dawn's camera critters meme. Go here to view others and participate yourself.



  1. Mike says it is "David, what the heck is his last name, on that British nature show". How's that for accuracy?? What do you want...we're old people. Great camera and video of the junco! Lots of fun to be had.

  2. Great clear shots. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Tom: To think I didn't even know this bird a few weeks back.

  4. Cute little critter!

  5. It is David Attenborough, I think. It's a program about animals, but I forgot the name. Have a great year with your baby!

  6. up close and personal great stuff Sandy

  7. Another new bird for me. David Attenborough is correct and he is something of a god over in the uk when it comes to nature programmes.

  8. Anybody know which program that David Attenborough is narrating? We were watching this on DVD.


  9. I love the junco! His white little belly is too cute, you just want to rub it!

  10. Enjoy your new camera! I didn't see the juncos when I was at your house. I had never heard of these before, either. They are cute, round little birds!

  11. Nice video! I know the program, but I don't think I should give it away.

  12. A wonderful video and so the camera works great!! Also congratulations on it intended purpose in the near future; how wonderful for your family. Your blog has some great pictures and I shall be back to visit often. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on mine.

  13. Juncos are a neat little bird. We have had both colors here at different times. Dark-eyed Juncos are the most common to me and then the other is a brown color. Not sure of this but Cornell only lists the Dark-eyed so the brown must be an immature bird.

    I don't know the name of the program.

  14. James knows it. Anybody else?


  15. Looks like a few hungry birds there. I have no clue

  16. Hi Tom, My guess would be "The Living Planet." David Attenborough has done such a great job on so many projects, it's no wonder he has such a following.

    I love the shot of the "wet junco" too. It looks like it has snow on its back. They don't call them snow birds for nothin' I guess!

  17. What an awesome gift! This video had me smiling the whole way through.

  18. Larry is pretty close, just not quite there. Any more guesses? Looks like James is the only person that knows so far. I have to recommend the DVD's to everybody that loves nature of the program that we were watching. It was really awesome.

