Sunday, November 14, 2010

Backyard Mystery

This is what I found in our backyard underneath our giant bur oak this evening.  What can take down a crow in a suburban-within-the-beltway backyard in Worthington, Ohio?  Could a Cooper's hawk really take a crow?  Perhaps a great horned owl?  No carcass in sight- just two wings, some scattered feathers, and a smidgen of intestine.



  1. I don't know, but I hear more wildlife out in the country here in Greene county than I did in Yellowstone. There are dozens of coyotes in my back acres.

  2. Around here...just south of akron...the red fox have taken out 2 turkeys.

  3. Thanks All-

    We do have neighborhood cats- I just don't think a domestic cat could bring down a crow- and if it did, I think things would have been much more messy. The fact that the wings were so cleanly clipped off, and that there was no evidence of the carcass anywhere, really leads me to believe that perhaps a bird got it, but, I'll never know!

    We definitely don't have foxes here- our neighborhood is too densely populated.



  4. Hmm, are they filming Premonition 2 in your area? That's a clean predator, especially considering the fact you found both wings fairly intact. Did you look straight up to see if there was a big tree above? I'd say gulls, but I know they're not as common in your area.

  5. Katie- Oh yeah, the wings were right underneath our giant bur oak, which is a regular perch for the neighborhood crows. Gulls aren't unheard of here in Central Ohio, but they typically like our more open reservoirs and gigantic parking lots!

