Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hover Fly & Kentucky Bluegrass

Hover flies, members of the insect family Syrphidae, have always attracted my attention.  I've never really got great shots of them- for a number of reasons.  I do most of my macro photography in the evening.  The hover flies are busy hovering from flower to flower, and I don't have the setup to get them in flight.  I needed to change up my routine.  This morning, I went out into the backyard before 8:00 when the insects were still cold and the air was dead calm.  The creatures, awaiting for the sun to rise, are easily approachable with my camera. 

What adds interest to this image is the plant that the hover fly is resting on-  it's Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis, which frequents a lawn near you.  Grasses have flowers too- they're just not pretty to our eyes since they rely on the wind and not animals for pollination.  Look closely, and you can see the comb-like stigmas that receive pollen, and the yellow y-shaped anthers, the producers of pollen.



  1. Stunning! And fascinating re: grass reproductive structures. I've NEVER seen/noticed the stigmas.

  2. Two things we usually don't admire: flies and grass flowers. But how beautiful they are through your lens. Thanks for the chance to really SEE!

  3. Ruth- Thank You.

    Babbler- Grasses are really great, you just need a magnifying glass, hand lens, or a macro lens on a camera to really appreciate their interesting structures.

    Jackie- Thank you!
