Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dragonfly Season is Here

Dragonfly season has arrived!  Before I had a digital SLR camera, way back in 2006, I took photos of a dragon on the Olentangy that I believed was a rapids clubtail.  These bugs fly in early June, and are easiest to find when the river is low.  Unfortunately, over the last decade or so, I've never encountered another one, that us until this afternoon.  I took several photographs that should be able to seal its identification.  What a beautiful dragon it is!



  1. This photo actually helped to identify a dragonfly I recently saw. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You gotta love the clubtails, such cool bugs! I went to my favorite spot on the Rio Grande last week hoping for Sulfur-tipped and Brimstone, but came up with zilch. Sigh.

    1. Bill, the first few weeks of June have been dry, the rivers are low, giving us perfect conditions for clubtails to perch on rocks right in the river. Of course the Olentangy is much smaller than the Rio Grande. Better luck next time. Thanks again for showing me around Albuquerque.
